Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Way to Delete Antispyware

Antispyware, also known as PC Antispyware, is a rogue anti-spyware program created by WinTechProtection LTD. Once PC Antispyware installs itself on your computer, it launches pop-ups warning you that your computer is infected with spyware. These pop-ups include a link that you can click on to purchase software that PC Antispyware claims will remove the spyware. This is, however, merely an attempt to steal your money.


End Processes

Click on the "Start" menu.

Type "tskmgr" into the Search Programs and Files box and press "Enter." The Windows Task Manager opens.

Click on the "Processes" tab.

End each of the following processes. To end a process, right click on the process and select "End Process."


Close the Windows Task Manager.

Read more: http://goo.gl/hRNps